
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Hybrid Technology & Hybrid vehicles

Hybrid Technology & Hybrid vehicles

Nowadays people tend to see technology as a solution to some of the problems that exist on our planet. To some extent technology can be used for good, but with new developments come new challenges issues. The digital divide is one such issue, one that people are actively trying to overcome. Whereas, limitations face with existing natural resources force people to think for alternatives. Unfortunately, even where computer facilities are readily available, the digital divide persists even in the world's most wealthy countries; access to the latest and most beneficial technologies is limited for those in rural areas and people with disabilities.

However, these are not the only observations to be made. Recently, many advances in mobile media and technology have been made, creating a new world of possibilities. Our challenge is to figure out how to use technology - both the existing and the emerging - for good, and how to assure its access and use in the most democratic way possible.

Environmental technology

Environmental technology, green technology or clean technology is the application of one or more of environmental science, green chemistry, environmental monitoring and electronic devices to monitor, model and conserve the natural environment and resources, and to curb the negative impacts of human involvement. The term environmental technologies are also used to describe a class of electronic devices that can promote sustainable management of resources.

Green technology field encompasses a continuously evolving group of methods and materials, from techniques for generating energy to non-toxic cleaning products.

The present expectation is that this field will bring innovation and changes in daily life of similar magnitude to the "information technology" explosion over the last two decades. In these early stages, it is impossible to predict what "green technology" may eventually encompass.

The goals that inform developments in this rapidly growing field include:

Sustainability - meeting the needs of society in ways that can continue indefinitely into the future without damaging or depleting natural resources. In short, meeting present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Examples of green technology subject areas
1. Energy
Perhaps the most urgent issue for green technology, this includes the development of alternative fuels, new means of generating energy and energy efficiency.

2. Green building
Green building encompasses everything from the choice of building materials to where a building is located.

3. Environmentally preferred purchasing
This government innovation involves the search for products whose contents and methods of production have the smallest possible impact on the environment, and mandates that these be the preferred products for government purchasing.

4. Green chemistry
The invention, design and application of chemical products and processes to reduce or to eliminate the use and generation of hazardous substances.

5. Green nanotechnology
Nanotechnology involves the manipulation of materials at the scale of the nanometer, one billionth of a meter. Some scientists believe that mastery of this subject is forthcoming that will transform the way that everything in the world is manufactured. "Green nanotechnology" is the application of green chemistry and green engineering principles to this field.

What is Vehicle Hybridization?

Hybrid vehicle
A hybrid vehicle is a vehicle that uses two or more distinct power sources to move the vehicle. The term most commonly refers to hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), which combine an internal combustion engine and one or more electric motors. However other mechanisms to capture and utilize energy are included.
Hybrid fuel (dual mode)

You can choose to ignore the incessant global warming campaigns. Most of us simply forget that we live on earth which is slowly deteriorating because of our actions. But all of us cannot tolerate the continuing rise in gas prices. Customers today are looking for alternatives to save on fuel costs. Fortunately hybrid vehicles have given us the option to save gas and help the environment. Hybrids are no longer restricted to a conventional 4 door sedan. Hybrid SUVs are also out on the market today to meet the demands of the customers.

How Hybrid Cars Works, Features And  Functions
A hybrid technology features a small fuel-efficient gas engine joint with an electric motor that assists the engine while speeding up. The electric motor is powered by batteries that recharge automatically while you drive.

Hybrid-electric vehicles (HEVs) combine the benefits of gasoline engines and electric motors and can be configured to obtain different objectives, such as improved fuel economy, increased power, or additional auxiliary power for electronic devices and power tools.

There are two types of gasoline-electric hybrid autos: the similar hybrid technology and the series hybrid autos. In a parallel hybrid vehicle, a gasoline engine and an electric motor work together to move the car forward, while in a series hybrid cars the gasoline engine either directly power an electric motors that power the vehicle or charges batteries that will power the motor.

Regenerative Braking. The electric motor applies resistance to the drivetrain causing the wheels to slow down. In return, the energy from the wheels turns the motor, which functions as a generator, converting energy normally wasted during coasting and braking into electricity, which is stored in a battery until needed by the electric motor.
Electric Motor Drive/Assist. The electric motor provides additional power to assist the engine in accelerating, passing, or hill climbing. This allows a smaller, more efficient engine to be used. In some vehicles, the motor alone provides power for low-speed driving conditions where internal combustion engines are least efficient.
Automatic Start/Shutoff. Automatically shuts off the engine when the vehicle comes to a stop and restarts it when the accelerator is pressed. This prevents wasted energy from idling.
For fuel economy information on these vehicles, please visit the Compare Side-by-Side section.

Hybrid Technology also gains efficiency from Smaller and more efficient engines.

Thank you !

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Overview of Configuration of Network Devices (contd..)

Overview of Configuration of Network Devices

Router Memory

Router Memory cont.

- Store running or active configuration file
- Loses content when router is powered down
- A working storage

- Read-Only Memory 
- Stores bootable IOS image and bootstrap program

- Provides storage for the startup configuration file 
- Retains content when router is powered down

Flash memory
- Holds the fully functional IOS image
- Retains content when router is powered down
- Is a type of electronically erasable, programmable ROM (EEPROM)

Displaying configuration files
show running-config

show startup-config

Managing configuration files

Copy Command
- copy files in a router (configuration file, new version of the IOS Software)
- Move configuration files among RAM, NVRAM, and TFTP server

copy running-config startup-config

Changes to the router are put in the running-config file.
If the router loses power or reboots, everything in RAM is lost including the running-config file.
To make sure the changes to the router’s configuration remain saved, you must copy the running-config from RAM into the startup-config into NVRAM:
Router# copy  running-config  startup-config

Router#copy running-config startup-config
Destination filename [startup-config]?
Building configuration...

Router#show startup-config
version 12.0
service timestamps debug uptime
service timestamps log uptime
no service password-encryption
hostname Router
ip subnet-zero
interface Ethernet0
 no ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast

  • The startup-config file now identical to running-config and the router will also have these changes if the router reboots.

Thank you.

Overview of Configuration of Network Devices

Overview of Configuration of Network Devices

Network Devices – Internal Components

  • CPU 
  • RAM 
  • Flash 
  • NVRAM 
  • Buses 
  • ROM 
  • Interfaces 
  • Power Supply 

Network devices – Physical characteristics

Cisco IOS Software

As with a computer, a network device cannot function without an operating system. 
Cisco calls its OS as the Cisco Internetwork Operating System or Cisco IOS.

Command Line Interface (CLI)
The Cisco IOS software uses a command-line interface (CLI) as the traditional console environment. 
This environment is accessible through several methods:

  • Console
  • AUX port
  • Telnet

Console port connection

Auxiliary port connection

Connecting console interfaces

When connected using the console interface, the computer is acting
    as a
“dumb terminal”

Modes use in configuration

Modes use in configuration

Modes use in configuration

To be continued....

Thank you.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Display technology and Holographic Display

First I wish to share few views on “How actually we see an object”, by the means of scientific way. You probably know that we experience "light" by seeing it bounce off something before being absorbed into our eyes.

Light is the energy that our eyes detect when we see. When there's no light, we won't be able to see anything even if there is nothing physically wrong with us. Light occurs in waves, where the distance between one peak to another is called wavelength. Light is visible at 400-700 nm wavelength. (1 nm or nanometer is one-billionth of a meter.) Microwaves and infrared rays have longer wavelengths than visible light; while ultraviolet rays, x-rays and gamma rays have shorter wavelengths than visible light.
Light may differ in color, brightness and purity. Color, or hue, is dependent upon the wavelength of light. Low-frequency light, or light with longer wavelengths, is reddish; while high-frequency light, or light with shorter wavelengths, is bluish. The brightness of light, on the other hand, is measured by the wave's amplitude (or height). High-amplitude light waves are brighter than low-amplitude light waves. Lastly, purity or saturation is measured by the amount of white light added. Pure light has lesser added white light than saturated light. The Color Tree is oftentimes used to demonstrate the different properties of light. Hue moves around the tree; saturation goes outward; and brightness moves upward.

Display technology
This topic is going to be very interesting for people who call Gadget Geeks. Although there are plenty of technologies available around I will talk about Common applications that uses as electronic visual displays (televisions or computer monitors).

Display devices
In generally we can say a device with an output device for presentation of information in visual or tactile form. If the input information is supplied as an electrical signal, the display is called an electronic display.

In current generation we can list some of the methods that in use for Display technology,
Eidophor, Electroluminescent display (ELD), Electronic paper E Ink Gyricon,  Vacuum fluorescent display (VFD), Light emitting diode display (LED), Cathode ray tube (CRT) (Monoscope), Liquid crystal display (LCD) (TFT LED Blue Phase IPS),  Plasma display panel (PDP), ALiS Digital Light Processing (DLP), Liquid crystal on silicon (LCoS)

And also we can list some of the methods for next generation methods as follows,
Organic light-emitting diode (OLED) (AMOLED),  Organic light-emitting transistor (OLET), Surface-conduction electron-emitter display (SED), Field emission display (FED), Laser TV Quantum dot Liquid crystal,  MEMS display IMoD, TMOS DMS,  Quantum dot display (QD-LED), Ferro liquid display (FLD), Thick-film dielectric electroluminescent technology (TDEL), Telescopic pixel display (TPD), Laser phosphor display (LPD), Flexible display Musion Eyeliner Fog display

Most popular technologies that has being in the recent past,

Cathode ray tube

Cathode ray tube (CRT) is a vacuum tube with an electron gun (a source of electrons or electron emitter) and a fluorescent screen used to view images. This will accelerate and deflect the electron beam onto the fluorescent screen to create the images. The technology uses an evacuated glass envelope which is large, deep, fairly heavy, and relatively fragile. For safety purpose, the face is typically made of thick lead glass so as to be highly shatter-resistant and to block most X-ray emissions, particularly if the CRT is used in a consumer product. A cathode ray tube is a vacuum tube which consists of one or more electron guns, possibly internal electrostatic deflection plates, and a phosphor target. In television sets and computer monitors, the entire front area of the tube is scanned repetitively and systematically in a fixed pattern called a raster. Controlling the intensity of each of the three electron beams, one for each additive primary color (red, green, and blue) with a video signal as a reference an image is produced. In all modern CRT monitors and televisions, the beams are bent by magnetic deflection, a varying magnetic field generated by coils and driven by electronic circuits around the neck of the tube.

CRTs have largely been overshadowed by more modern display technologies such as LCD, plasma display, and OLED, which as of 2012 offer lower manufacturing and distribution costs.

LED display
An LED display is a flat panel display, which uses light-emitting diodes as a video display. An LED panel is a small display, or a component of a larger display. They are typically used outdoors in store signs and billboards, and in recent years have also become commonly used in destination signs on public transport vehicles or even as part of transparent glass area. LED panels are sometimes used as form of lighting, for the purpose of general illumination, task lighting, or even stage lighting rather than display.

There are two types of LED panels: conventional (using discrete LEDs) and surface-mounted device (SMD) panels.[citation needed] Most outdoor screens and some indoor screens are built around discrete LEDs, also known as individually mounted LEDs. A cluster of red, green, and blue diodes is driven together to form a full-color pixel, usually square in shape. These pixels are spaced evenly apart and are measured from center to center for absolute pixel resolution. The largest LED display in the world is over 500 meters long and is located in Suzhou, China, covering the Yuanrong Times Square.[citation needed] The largest LED television in the world is the Center Hung Video Display at Cowboys Stadium, which is 160 ft × 72 ft (49 m × 22 m), 11,520 square feet (1,070 m2).
Most indoor screens on the market are built using SMD technology - a trend that is now extending to the outdoor market. An SMD pixel consists of red, green, and blue diodes mounted in a single package, which is then mounted on the driver PC board. The individual diodes are smaller than a pinhead and are set very close together. The difference is that the maximum viewing distance is reduced by 25% from the discrete diode screen with the same resolution.

Liquid crystal display

A liquid crystal display (LCD) is a flat panel display, electronic visual display, or video display that uses the light modulating properties of liquid crystals. Liquid crystals do not emit light directly.
LCDs are available to display arbitrary images (as in a general-purpose computer display) or fixed images which can be displayed or hidden, such as preset words, digits, and 7-segment displays as in a digital clock. They use the same basic technology, except that arbitrary images are made up of a large number of small pixels, while other displays have larger elements.
LCDs are used in a wide range of applications including computer monitors, televisions, instrument panels, aircraft cockpit displays, and signage. They are common in consumer devices such as video players, gaming devices, clocks, watches, calculators, and telephones, and have replaced cathode ray tube (CRT) displays in most applications. They are available in a wider range of screen sizes than CRT and plasma displays, and since they do not use phosphors, they do not suffer image burn-in. LCDs are, however, susceptible to image persistence.[1]
The LCD screen is more energy efficient and can be disposed of more safely than a CRT. Its low electrical power consumption enables it to be used in battery-powered electronic equipment. It is an electronically modulated optical device made up of any number of segments filled with liquid crystals and arrayed in front of a light source (backlight) or reflector to produce images in color or monochrome. Liquid crystals were first discovered in 1888.[2] By 2008, worldwide sales of televisions with LCD screens exceeded annual sales of CRT units; the CRT became obsolete for most purposes.

Holographic display

Holographic display is a type of display technology that has the ability to provide all four eye mechanisms which are binocular disparity, motion parallax, accommodation and convergence.

Electro-holographic display
Electro-holographic display is a type of holographic display that uses electroholography for recording and reconstructing 3D objects. This display has advantages over other 3D displays; for example, it can reconstruct 3D images with full parallax.

The early prototypes of tele-immersive displays require users to wear special goggles and ­a head device that tracks the viewpoints of users looking at the screen. On the other end, the people that appear as 3-D images are being tracked with an array of seven ordinary video cameras, while two other video cameras capture real light patterns projected in each room to calculate distances. This enables the proper depth to be re-created on the screen. So, if a viewer moves his head to the right, he can see the corresponding images that would be seen if he were actually in the room with the person on the screen.
Images on the screen are split and polarized to create a different image for each eye. The goggles then combine these images so that the brain recognizes only one 3-D image. This process is similar to how those old 3-D movie glasses work. Early experiments, like the one at UNC in May, have experienced some glitches, similar to those of normal video-conferencing. The scenes being projected are only refreshed three times per second, which creates a jerky image. If that rate could be improved to 10 frames per second, it would create a seamless projected image that would be like looking through a window at another person. Scientists are developing new technologies to support this type of communication, including:
Internet2 - This would replace the current Internet infrastructure. This new network will have a higher bandwidth and speeds 1,000 times faster than today's Internet. This high-bandwidth, high-speed network is necessary to transfer the large amounts of data that tele-immersion will produce.
Display technologies - Stereo-immersive displays would have to present a clear view of the scenes being transmitted.

Haptic sensors would allow people to touch projections as if they were real.
Desktop supercomputers would perform the trillions of calculations needed to create a holographic environment. Another possibility to support these environments would be a network of computers that share power.
Tele-immersion will blur the lines between real and computer-generated images. It will be the ultimate tele-commuting technology, almost entirely eliminating the rush-hour drive to work. Instead of commuting, people could attend board meetings by projecting themselves into the company's conference room. And if your job requires you to travel, you could still be home for dinner by tele-immersing yourself into the family kitchen. Because this technology is still in the early stages of development, the possibilities are truly endless.

Thanks to all of you.  

Friday, March 1, 2013

End of the world from the point of Mayan Calendar and explanations in Buddhism

End of the world from the point of Mayan Calendar and explanations in Buddhism

It is believed from the historical observations Maya Calendar have being originate from pre-Columbian Mesoamerica, and many modern communities in highland Guatemala and in Veracruz, Oaxaca and Chiapas, Mexico.

Why Maya Calendar bother so much?
If we concern about the mechanism of the “Mayan calendar” it reflect the movement of cycles with the last cycle ending in December 2012. This is often interpreted as "the world will end on 21 December 2012, at 11:11 UTC".

The calendar combines twenty day names with the thirteen numbers of the trecena cycle to produce 260 unique days. Each day is numbered from 1 up to 13 and then starting again at 1. Separately from this, every day is given a name in sequence from a list of 20 day names.

As Calendar Round dates repeat every 18,980 days, approximately 52 solar years, the cycle repeats roughly once each lifetime, so a more refined method of dating was needed if history was to be recorded accurately. To specify dates over periods longer than 52 years, Mesoamericans used the Long Count calendar.

Since the Long Count dates are unambiguous, the Long Count was particularly well suited to use on monuments. Misinterpretation of the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar was the basis for a popular belief that a cataclysm would take place on December 21, 2012. December 21, 2012 was simply the day that the calendar went to the next b'ak'tun, at Long Count 

According to Sandra Noble, executive director of the Mesoamerican research organization Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies, Inc. (FAMSI), notes that "for the ancient Maya, it was a huge celebration to make it to the end of a whole cycle". She considers the portrayal of December 2012 as a doomsday or cosmic-shift event to be "a complete fabrication and a chance for a lot of people to cash in."

The last day of the Mayan calendar corresponds with the Winter Solstice (or December Solstice), which has played a significant role in many cultures all over the world.

Actual scenario would be that, they haven’t had enough technology or ability to count the remaining numbers yet to come. Whereas, people are tend to believe myths by their nature. After all this has turn its traces towards marketing world. 

Have the world end on 21 December 2012, at 11:11 UTC?
A tricky one to answer, but as everyone knows, that we are still alive, except several natural disasters.  

If I could give an answer by the learning’s of Buddism that will be adequate for the readers. Buddism is not just a religion; it’s a philosophy of nature which origins about 2,500 years back. 

What is the time and space for all living beings within the six realms of existence?
I will first say about time. 

A. Ksana
In Buddhism, a “ksana” is the smallest unit of time. Within the context of how we measure time today, it is approximately one seventy-fifth of a second. It is very brief. In Buddhism, how do we gauge such a short duration of time?
There are 32,820,000 ksanas in one day. 

B. Asamkhya Kalpa
In Buddhism, a very long period of time is called an “asamkhya kalpa.” It is a very, very long period of time; the duration of an “asamkhya kalpa” is so long that any attempts to describe it in words would be difficult. At this time, let me talk about two lesser units of time within an “asamkhya kalpa” so that you can have some general references. 
“Mustard seed kalpa”: Imagine if we were to take a huge container measuring ten kilometers on each side and fill it with mustard seeds. Then, every one hundred years, we were to remove one seed. The time it would take to empty the container of all the mustard seeds is one “mustard seed kalpa.” Exactly how long a “mustard seed kalpa” is would probably have to be determined with the help of several computers. 
“Boulder kalpa”: Imagine if we were to take a huge boulder measuring ten kilometers on each side and sand the boulder with a piece of sandpaper every one hundred years. The time it would take to sand down the boulder to dust is “one boulder kalpa.” This period of time is much longer than that of a “mustard seed kalpa.” 
Within the Buddhist time scale, both the “mustard seed kalpa” and the “boulder kalpa” are only considered to be minor kalpas. In contrast, the duration of a major kalpa like the “asamkhya kalpa” is so immeasurable and infinite that it is beyond words. 

Let us now talk about space. In Buddhism, the largest unit of space is called a “Buddhaksetra” or Buddha Land, and the smallest unit of space is called a “suksma” or dust grain. Despite their differences in names, both terms ultimately describe the three thousand chiliocosms (major universe), which is endless, immeasurable, unlimited and unbounded. 

How big is the universe? Modern astronomy says that the planet earth on which we live is only a part of the solar system. Earth is only 1/1,300,000th the size of the sun. In other words, the sun is 1,300,000 times the size of earth. In the expansive space, the Milky Way galaxy has hundreds of billions of stars, and a universe probably has hundreds of million of galaxies like the Milky Way. Just try to imagine the vast immenseness of the universe.

In Buddhism, time and space are immense without an outer limit and yet miniscule without an inner limit. Time and space are immeasurable and boundless. Today we are here talking; by tomorrow this speech can be televised to all of Taiwan. The following day, it can be translated and distributed to the world in printed form. In the future, it can be published as a book to build Dharma connections with tens of millions of people everywhere in the world. The Buddhist Dharma is forever beyond the limits of time and space.

To conclude I would say there won’t be any Worlds Ends in the near future. But we cannot predict natural disasters yet to come. All of the living beings and things are originated as a result, and they may destroy one day. That is the uncertainty of life we are witnessing.

Thanks to all of you.